Yellow Pages shoppers want to know as surely as possible that they'll be dealing with the right business when they call you.
Basically, Yellow Pages users are looking for three things to assure themselves they're calling the right business:
* Convenience
* Trust
* Reliability
What is one thing the typical Yellow Pages user is NOT looking for?
The lowest price.
That's right - the smartest shoppers (and the most profitable and enjoyable ones to deal with) are not looking for the lowest price. If they were, they'd be looking in coupon mailers and newspaper "sale" ads. The most loyal and profitable customers shop at Nordstrom's and Neiman-Marcus - not Wal-Mart or Bargain City. Which ones do you want to deal with?
<blockquote>Don't make the big mistake so many Yellow Pages advertisers do: Do NOT try to attract price-shoppers. Leave these nothing-but-trouble customers to your competitors!</blockquote>
Besides: If your Yellow Pages ad conveys you as the provider of the highest-quality products or services in your area - and you can back it up with your work - you can actually charge MORE than any of your competitors. And that means you can make more money and work less. And isn't that why you went into business for yourself - to improve your lifestyle?
In general, price-shoppers call the smallest ads in the Yellow Pages. Big ads convey a feeling of stability, trust and reliability with Yellow Pages users. Smaller ads scream "I'm not a leading local business" and "I'll take any job I can get" -- regardless of the actual words in the ads. Fact: It's just human nature for shoppers to assume that little ads mean little companies who want to do little jobs.
That's why business owners with small Yellow Pages ads often make excuses like "No good jobs come out of the Yellow Pages" or "I get almost all my business from word-of-mouth". But those with the biggest and most-effective ads attract highly-profitable and enjoyable jobs and clients and rake in the profits from their Yellow Pages advertising year after year.
Which one would you rather be? This is a critical decision for you to make the next time you consider placing an expensive small Yellow Pages ad instead of a highly-profitable large and effective one.
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